We finally reached one of our dreamed destinations. If we cannot say it's VERDE, the islands are mostly barren and mostly rocks and deserts, we are at the end of the dry season and we can well imagine that after the rains the grasses are green and from afar the islands look green.
Yes it's been a couple of months since posting, but it is amazing what is to be learned about a new boat and it's complicated electronics. We are now starting to feel "at home" and sailing is becoming a reflex and living style with much care about the boat. Sail2See likes moderate rhythms and we tend to sail her 30% under it's real capacities just for both our confort and the boat's well being.
Comming out of the Ballears, Anne was too uncomfortable and decided that, despite the fact that it breaks her heart, she would join us in Guadeloupe and not cross over the Atlantic. We had typical Mediterranean winds and waves that are chaotic and jump from cool sailing to strenuous in just a few hours.
As you can see on our map https://forecast.predictwind.com/tracking/display/Sail2see we got the iridium working and now you can follow our stops and even the rate of progress (when it works) as we sail. This is a good way to predict both when you can join us by phone or mail and why not one day meet us at some destination.
Françoise posts on Facebook and albums, I'll try to feed this blog and keep you posted. She says I propose too many words so I'll keep short and post mostly pictures. GOOD VISION and dreaming!